Midnight Sun

Boxer Club

On November 13, 1999, a group of boxer fanciers met with the intention of forming the first Boxer Club in the state of Alaska. This meeting led to the creation of the Midnight Sun Boxer Club.
Present were Candy Bartos, Cindy Baril, Eileen Demain, Terri Dunning, Annie Green, Roger & Jeanne Hale, Kelly Klingbeil, Tiffany Lackey, Tammie Mark, Beth Mushovic, Marcella Mushovic, Garnet Sarks, Mike & Nancy Wiles and Susan & Dean Williams. These folks became the charter members of our club.
In the time that the Midnight Sun Boxer Club has been in existance, our membership has continued to actively grow. Our members are actively involved in many activities ranging from breeding and conformation events, obedience and agility trials, judges education, public education, health education, fun matches and rescue. Several times per year, the club holds social events for its members as well as fundraising auctions.
Future Goals for the Club include promoting these activities while continuing to educate the public about the breed, addressing health questions and rescue, and the eventual holding of our own Specialty.
President ~ Jackie Fabrizzio
Vice-President ~ Chris Demain
Treasurer ~ June Fabrizzio
Secretary ~ Kelly Klingbeil
Corresp. Secretary ~ Eileen Demain
Midnight Sun Boxer Club ~ August 2008